
Rooftop Analytics has what it takes to make it easy for companies to use data, gain confidence in the algorithms, become data-driven and harvest business benefits based on data-driven business decisions.


Get a Sanity Check Your Business Idea - is it feasible with use of data you have?

The strategic decision to become data-driven is simple, but initiating and succeeding with well-chosen initiatives is challenging, especially without skipping budgets. The time for constructive second opinion is well spent and is without obligations. See how it works


Center of Excellence – Business Data Science

Rooftop Analytics brings the foundation for creating learning synergies; an essential success criterion for creating sufficient competences for the market, both in terms of competence level and competence availability. Read more about our Center of Excellence


Rooftop Deliveres Data Intelligence - Consulting, projects and maintenance

We make it easy for companies wanting to harvest the business benefits from use of data and predictions. We deliver E2E data intellitence solutions and provide competencies, when needed. We manage support of deployed solutions and educate employees. See our services