
Companies in the financial and trading industry are data-driven, and now it's time for other industries to take on the challenge and start applying data intelligence. The potential is huge.


Predicting the outcome in sentencing in Danish criminal cases

Using data and algorithms to predict what the accused can expect of outcome in a criminal case is possible. Ilas Aps has taken the step and developed an online tool which can be used anonymously  -and for free . Read more



The Best Alternative to a Crystal Ball

How can you build a solid business on risk-based investments in emerging markets? Global Evolution, which manages DKK 60 billion worldwide, uses algorithms to provide sharp predictions of where it’s attractive to invest. Read more


Staying Ahead of Global Capital Movements

The New York-based company Exante Data is able to find information on the capital market that no one else is looking for. The company raises the bar for macroeconomic strategy by using algorithms and modelling. Read more