What slows down company’s momentum in the digital transformation

It is not the lack of recognition of necessity or unwillingness to get started, but the realities that are not sought to be solved. The realities are grounded in people- and management challenges, rather than technical challenges.

The digital transformation is on the agenda to ‘get done’. Right must be right. When it comes to applying AI (data and machine learning/data intelligence), it is not about getting done, or getting started. It is about setting the bar higher and move initiatives from reporting, dashboards and automation on to making business decision based on predictions and data.

This will increase the need to handle true business transformation where work tasks, functions and work-relations need to be re-evaluated. With higher ambitions, the portion of technical tasks will appear as less in the digital transformation. Today’s primary concern of limited access to data scientists and good data, are not the primary obstacles in future. It is the realities grounded in people- and management challenges, which will prevent companies to be able to execute ambitious AI-initiatives and doing it at scale.

Read about the challenges, the root causes and how to deal with them in the LinkedIn-article What slows down company’s momentum in the digital transformation published by Rooftop’s