Column in Computerworld: Only Data is Unique: Challenges in the Transformation to Becoming a Data-Driven Company

The founder and CEO of Rooftop Analytics has written the column in Computerworld (DK) about four inevitable challenges in the transformation to becoming a data-driven company.

Artificial intelligence is a paradigm shift for everyone. The sooner companies realize this, the better they can tune their business for a new world order. This isn’t a matter of IT and data science knowledge alone. It’s also about the company as an organization having to address new tasks.

First and foremost, the top management must establish an organizational foundation that rewards interdisciplinary collaboration, which supports access to data, use of data and, not least, access to competences with knowledge of the data that one has. For this to work in practice, it’s necessary to establish ownership of data in which the organization can keep track of which data you have and how it’s used. This, in turn, creates knowledge about its data foundation required to understand and interpret data output; even when data science is part of the equation. 

It’s crucial that data never becomes a 'black box'. Understanding the data is the starting point for being able to use data intelligently, thereby also in development of future products, and not just using data for efficiency and automation.

The column tunes in on

  • The importance of multidisciplinary thinking, right from the beginning when defining the strategy
  • The challenge of the same data used by many in many different contexts
  • The need for data to be understood and explained. 'Black box' is not an option
  • The critical step of applying data in product development as it’s future-proofing

Read the column here.